Unknown words
Names near the words mean the people/group doesn't understand the word
Kilometres- Nyjah
Tauku pepei -Darth Vader
Buoy-Darth Vader
Kia Kaha-Darth Vader
Today my L.I was to identify unknown words and phrases in a text. My whole group Darth Vader was all looking for key words or phrases we didn't know. We all read an online text called Iron Tamariki. This book was about his father training him for the Iron Tamariki. Although Mana was bad at running and not bad at swimming he never gave up. His Father made a deal with him. The deal was if he won the Iron Tamariki his Dad would make his favourite dinner for the whole year. But when Mana won His dad said "I will only be cooking your favourite food for two weeks because the Iron Tamariki is in December".