I am a Year 8 student at Panmure Bridge School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Learning Space 2 and my teacher is Mrs Anderson.
Thursday, 22 February 2018
PBS Whakatauki
Wednesday, 21 February 2018
Olympic Values
Today Me and Shakaia made a google draw on the Olympic and PBS mottos,Logo or flag,Values and Whakatauki. We had to find out about the Olympic creed,motto,values and flag. Same with our school. This was a really easy task as we our the year sevens and eights so we would know were to find information!
Summary / Te wiki
Chinese New Year
How Chinese New Year Is celebrated?
The famous Chinese New Year is celebrated around the world. It is celebrated with people
cleaning their homes for the start of spring. People around the world put up red posters
with poetic sentences on them and put them on their doors. Chinese New Year is also the
time where friends and family meet up and enjoy their time together.
Near the end of the holiday people light lanterns and either let them fly in the sky or on let
them float on top of water. In the middle of the celebration people light fireworks and
firecrackers. People often give unmarried people and kids red envelopes with money inside.
At night people eat their dinner packed with lots of delicious foods. They celebrate with some
specific foods like Shrimp , Noodles and Egg Rolls. These three foods represent a long life,
happiness and gold bars. Foods that are common when eating on Chinese New Year is fish,
Wasabi, Kim chi, vegetables , rice and curry. Other cultures celebrate Chinese New Year
because of the special events that happen.
The tradition is also about 12 animals. These animals competed in a race which the Jade
emperor will chose its year for it to be celebrated. The recent year 2018 is the dog.
Chinese New Year is celebrated because a dragon would arrive on the new moon and
goes when the full moon comes up.
People celebrate Chinese New Year to remember the Chinese legend about the Mysterious
beast who would visited the town and scared the people in the village… But a old man
stumbled towards the village and told them about the beasts weakness. The colour red,
loud noises and more. The beast then left on the full moon never to visit again.
This week LS2 started writing a explanation about Chinese New Year. We all worked with a person in another writing group. It was fun working with other people other than peers I work with. Our first thoughts on writing about Chinese New Year was easy, but wasn't as expected. Instead it was quite hard finding out the truth and why it is celebrated. Although its not just celebrated in China but country's all over the world which surprised Brooklyn and I at first, but studying Chinese New Year made much more sense then before we learnt more about the famous tradition.
Chinese New Year,
Friday, 16 February 2018
Technology / Tech
Today was a special day for the new year 7s. We had a new teacher for tech called mr Grundy. He is a nice teacher that teaches us about technology and other things. We started on thinking about our designs on who were gonna give it to. After that Mr Grundy showed us how to make the actual pendent. This was really cool to watch and we were all happy. After our session we went back on the bus and cant wait to go back next week Friday!
Summer learning journey / Thank you Rachel and the next foundation
Today I was so happy to be presented with the Summer Learning journey certificate. It was such a honor but also it was because of my hard work over the holiday. My favorite post were what my favorite dessert was. A big big thank you to Rachel and The next foundation for giving us a chance for to do work in the holiday. I will participate next time too!
Summer learning Journey
Auckland Marathon results
Today I am publishing my maths about the real and 2014 running Auckland Marathon results. I was working with Shakaia and Sky. Really I dont think I would be able to do this without them because I was busy adding decimals.
Auckland marathon,
Thursday, 15 February 2018
Treaty of Waitangi
This week I have finished the treaty of waitangi summary. I worked with Shakaia,Fui,Viva,Savelina and myself. We have made a short summary about the treaty and how it started.
Treaty of Waitangi
Kiwi can Reflection
Today we went to our first kiwi can for the year! We are all welcomed to our new class and to new or old faces. Although Ms Latoya and Mr Malu is no longer a kiwi can teacher... We all were sad to find out but we had to face it. As we walked in we all felt excitement rush into our bodies. We walked in and it already felt like home. We learnt about respect and how to respect others. Then we started our first game. We played If you.. The rules were to run to a different spot if they say if you have ... Then the next game was ball tag were you had to pass the ball to get someone out. Also we played a acting game were we had to work in a group and act out including others! My group was Aung Naing,Ofa,Freeman,Affonso,Savelina and Fui.
kiwi can
Wednesday, 14 February 2018
Winter Olympic Mascot Comparison
This week we have started our first inquiry session! I have worked with a group of three, Shakaia and Jeremiah. As you may know the winter Olympics are coming up and we have made a google slide about two mascots. We first started out finding a past mascot that we all agreed on. We all decided to chose the snow leopard. After choosing one of the past winter Olympic mascots we then did some research about them and also compared them. We had to also write about Soohorang or as many would call him the white tiger. There was a lot of comparisons we may or may not of put in. Although This was a really fun activity we did for inquiry this week!
Winter Olympics
How to add decimal digits.
Today my lovely teacher taught a group of people on how to add decimal digits. Its a really easy and simple step. First if you are stuck with tenth decimal digits then you will have to add up the tenths first. For example 2.5 + 3.3 would equal 5.8 because first off you want to take your two decimals digits and add them together. But theirs a trick to it! If your two decimal numbers go above 10 then you would have to add the number on the right for example the ten. After that you want to then add your one to your whole numbers. You want to try stick with this strategy for the 100s and 1000s. This trick is exactly like place values which most of yous have already learnt.
Tuesday, 13 February 2018
Winter Olympic Venn Diagram
From today and yesterday I have worked with two partners to make a group of three. I have grouped up with Jeremiah and Shakaia. We all made a list of all the winter Olympic sports from the 1900's to the modern days. After that was done we then made a Venn diagram about the differences and the similarity's.
First games,
Modern games,
Winter Olympics
Friday, 9 February 2018
Blog Post Record
Yesterday we were set up for making a graph about all of our posts each year. 2015 was the first year I got my Chromebook and worked really hard because it was the first time I got it. I worked really hard when I got my Chromebook that year. Then after we gathered all the data from our blog we then made a google spread sheet and put our data on it. Then we made a graph with all of our data and put it on a google draw. After that was done we wrote why we either improved over the years or didn't... I also wrote my goals for 2018 to do really well this year as it is a new year.
Wednesday, 7 February 2018
Show Don't Tell
Excited Chance
I heard the screams of excitement come from inside the building.
People winning tickets and winning prizes for themselves.
I felt excitement run inside me or waves splashing inside my stomach.
I slowly took my time moving the claw.
I wondered what I wanted and saw a teddy.
I felt like the claw was in a good spot.
Today for the start of the term we started it of with writing. We had to write 7 sentences that clue the reader to guess where we were at in our summer holiday like the beach or pools. You could get bonus points for using special words in your sentences. Can you guess where I was at?
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