
Sunday, 9 July 2017

Day 6. 16 Winter learning journey. My poem.

My mind turning and twisting as my stomach was turning too. The fresh breeze blew me away as I wandered around with my group. The land was wonderful and there were many flowers that I have never seen. I started to relax as my group took pictures as a memory. Leaves fell from trees and my group was amazed. The sky was blue like the sea and ocean as clouds covered parts of the blue one by one. The water swayed like wheat in the wind and the grass also swayed within the rhythm. Everything was perfect here and I could call this our new home.

today I wrote a poem about what would happened when I first arrived in New Zealand. I hope you like it :)


  1. Good morning Nyjah,

    Welcome to the Winter Learning Journey blogging programme. I just opened up your blog site for the first time this week-end and was amazed by what I saw. Wow! You have posted more blog posts than anyone else. Amazing!!!

    I hope that you have enjoyed learning about New Zealand and sharing your learning with others. I have enjoyed reading all of the posts and found this poem to be truly outstanding. It really evoked feelings of being in the out-of-doors and admiring the beauty of nature. You have a lovely way with words.

    I hope that you will continue to post your awesome blogs over the next few weeks. If you have time you are also invited to post positive comments on the blog sites of your friends and school mates at PBS. I am sure that they would really appreciate the feedback and support.

    In the meantime, have a lovely day!

    Rachel :)

  2. Good job Nyjah. keep on blogging.

  3. Hi Nyjah. This is a long poem. I like your poem. You have explained how you would feel if it was your first time arriving in New Zealand. Keep up the great work.

  4. Hi Nyjah
    I like your poem about how you would feel if you were the first person to arrive in New Zealand. Keep up the amazing work.

  5. Hi Nyjah
    Nice poem! I like how you said the breeze blew you away. How lonvg did it take to write the poem?
    Great work
