
Wednesday 20 November 2019

Personification writing piece.

Small pieces of rocks, grass and stones stuck in me isn’t such a pleasant feeling. The pain being inflicted on my body hurts badly. Stepping on poop smells DISGUSTING and UNCOMFORTABLE!!! At this point I couldn’t bare to breathe with the unbearable scents surrounding me. Falling into a nasty, smelly, puddle made me soaked and smelly!! I’m starting to think that my only source of food is the stale bubblegum stuck to the floor with each step my owner took on them. Gross… Does my owner even have eyes? Each step my owner took was on one of the most disgusting parts on the ground (puddles, poop, bubble gum and rocks). I’m yearning for the day when I get brought back to the shoe store...

Written by | Nyjah and Chavda

Today, Chavda and I has written a personification writing piece about shoes. Personification is non living objects that has human qualities or abilities. We associated our story with shoes because we use them everyday. Although, the twist was we sat back to back and we couldn't speak while we wrote. Chavda and I had no problem writing this writing piece together as most of our ideas were similar and if they weren't we simply just changed some of our sentences to fit our liking. We used the 5 senses in our writing piece.

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