
Thursday 28 September 2017

Spare the turkey

This week I read Spare the turkey.

Tables Master

This week I played Tables Master.  Tables Master.

Commenting / Victoria's blog

This week I commented on Victoria's nice post! Check her out here >>> Victoria's blog

Kiwi Can

Today at Kiwi Can A old teacher came back!!! It was Mr M! I was so happy he was back because he was my favorite out of every Kiwi Can teacher! The games we played today was Numbers,Volley ball, Ball tag and role play. How to play numbers is a teacher or student calls out a number and everyone must join to get into that number. I was one of many who survived and was really lucky. The volley ball game was we had to hit the volley ball up back to Mr Malu.

Mixed problems

This week for maths this is our LAST ever work for the WHOLE term! This week is the last week of the term and our teacher thought to let us work together to make a google slide on mixed problems. There is about 15 or 10 slides and we had to compete all of them or else all fails... Basically the L.I is to work together because if one fails all fails. I hope you enjoy! Also me and Chavda were working together for the slide.


This week for inquiry we made a padlet on elections! Elections are one of many important things in life as elections run for the sake of a country to make things better or worse. I personally think that elections are most important in life as they help country's or streets.. well most do.

Wednesday 27 September 2017

Group challenge / Flip grid on the women suffrage. < < < < Our video

L.I to work with everyone in our group to make a women suffrage video.
This week for reading our group has done another group challenge! For the challenge we had to find facts on the suffrage movement or facts about Kate Sheppard and what happened in the suffrage. After listing three facts we started writing our scripts for our flip grid. Our whole group has to write a short but long enough script to make our flip grid 1 minute and a half.

Thursday 21 September 2017

Women Suffrage / Script

Jack: Women first voted in the Maori Electorates on the 28th of November 1893, and the british colony of New Zealand were the ones who gave women the rights to vote. In 1893, September, Lord Glasgow signed a new electoral act that allowed women to vote, after many years of protesting the women must’ve been relieved.

Alex: New Zealand was the very first country to allow women to vote, after that other countries caught on with the idea and also allowed women to vote. Over a thousand people went to prison because of the suffragette movement, in the prison if they went on hunger strikes they’d be forcibly fed through a tube, most people didn’t fully recover from the treatment.

Nyjah: Kate Sheppard the light of New Zealand. Sheppard had many true facts on why parliament should let women vote. Parliament wouldn’t agree but after getting 400,000 signatures parliament thought to let women vote. 1914 when governments heard what Kate Sheppard had done, 28 more countries followed along and let women vote.    

Victoria: Parliament had granted women to vote in 1891 , 1892 and 1893 / 3 years. As you may know New Zealand is a very lucky country as they were the first to let women vote. How and why you may be asking well because of a very lucky women named Kate Sheppard. She found it hard to convince men to let women vote but she was still able to convince them.

Joseph: Woman didn’t win the right to vote argument until the World war one ended on the 11th of november 1918. The New Zealand’s world leadership in women's suffrage has become part of our national identity.

L.I to make a flip grid together...

This week for Reading our whole group is making a flip grid about the women suffrage. For know we made our scripts on what to say for 1 minute and a half. Each of us wright down our own facts about the suffrage or something based on it. After writing we will have to make our flip grid so in my next post I will showing our video on what we found out about women suffrage or Kate Sheppard. My script was mostly what had happened when Kate Sheppard was here.

Friday 15 September 2017

Maths art

L.I To make a reflective,rotated art work.
This week for art our maths group had to start painting,dyeing and pastel our patterns. The part I found hardest out of those to do was pastel. Why I choose pastel? Well the pastel wouldn't always stay in the line. But after all of that hard work I was able to glue and finish it ! Art this and last week was really fun and we had sometime to do something fun and do maths while we were at it.


L.I To make a summary on the suffrage for woman.
This week our group listed 20 words on this summary sheet. After that we had to come back and think of what the top 6 words were. The top 6 was debate,suffrage,change,government,gender and vote. After writing in the top six words we had to write three sentences using these words.


Maori Language week.

 This week me Fui and Chavda made a slide on Maori Language week. This was a bit hard for us cause we had to learn this of by heart.

Coggle / brainstorm

L.I to create a persuasive speech.
This week I made a coggle on a brainstorm on what my facts and ideas are going to be for my speech. Writing this week we had to start on making our facts and ideas so next week we can start to write our speeches out. Our speeches also must have true facts to back up your idea or what your opinion is as then people will start to change like you have said.

Haiku poem

L.I to make a poem on one of the sits
This week for inquiry I made a poem on a haiku site. If you would like to make a poem for yourself or for practice then here is the Link. So this week our inquiry group is practicing on making our poems on different sites. We also the the option to do a Diamante. I made my poem based on being nervous like when it is your first time reading a speech out loud to your class,family,school or even the com unite. Also if you need  to get an Idea look at my poem or at the rules on the site.

Friday 8 September 2017


L.I to make a art pattern
This week I worked with a group of random people to make the planning better. After planning we had to fine a pattern and trace it or put it on a google draw. I just had finished planning and know I move on too tracing on a piece of paper.

Poetry patterns and Language features.

LI: To identify vocabulary and language feature for use in writing a poem about feelings. This week for inquiry I made a poster on finding patterns and language features in a poem. The poem I chose was LOVE. I thought this poem was challenging and turned out it was for a little poem. I had to add as much patterns and features in this poem and then make it pretty. 

Kiwi can

L.I to use our self control.
This week for Kiwi can we played bip bop bounce. This game taught us to take control and say the right word at the right time. Our activity was getting in a group and talk about what risks are. I learnt a lot from Kiwi can. If you do not know what risks are well they are doing something you know that is going to 99% going to fail on or get hurt. Risks in class are also like putting your hand up and giving it a try.
Another risk is if you don't listen and the teacher asks you what the answer was but you wouldn't know because you weren't listening. This leads to embarrassment.


This week I commented on Meles keyboarding drills. Her post was amazing and I recommend for you too check her out!

Tongan language week.

 L.I To make a Tongan language week slide. This week me and Jonathan made a google slide on Tongan language week. We had to include Tongan languages like for example bee in  Tongan is Pi. This activity was really easy because of our teacher Miana.

Thursday 7 September 2017

Persuasive speeches

Persuasive speech plan

My topic: Don’t smoke
My argument: Smoking shouldn’t be allowed
Audience: Writing group/teacher

How will you greet your audience? Good morning or afternoon.
How will you introduce your topic in a catchy way? I was thinking if people could stop smoking for very good reasons.
Write a rhetorical question to make the audience think about your topic: Do you think smoking is bad because it really is too me.
What is your opinion? Write a statement that clearly states your point of view: Well I wonder why most adults like smoking because it’s really bad. Smoking causes lots of problems and a lot of people die because of smoking. Smoking causes cancer and could even lead to a heart attack really quick. I also think if adults smoke children could follow along in their footsteps and that would be terrible.
List some facts or statistics that support your opinion:
  1. Smoking can cause death if you smoke too much.
  2. It can be unhealthy for your gums.
  3. Smoking is also very bad for your lungs so I recommend not to smoke.
Do you have a solution to the problem?
I think we can stop smoking by banning all sorts of smokes around New Zealand and everywhere too.
Say your opinion again and warn the audience what will happen if they don’t agree with your opinion.
Smoking causes lung diseases and cancer. Those things are really bad and they both can lead to death. So I really recommend not to smoke!
Persuasive speech plan

My topic: Not bringing valuable things
My argument: Students not bringing valuable things to school
Audience: Writing group/teacher

How will you greet your audience? Good morning / afternoon LS1.
How will you introduce your topic in a catchy way?
I have been thinking that students should shouldn’t bring things that is not apart of school supplies or lunch.
Write a rhetorical question to make the audience think about your topic: Have you bought something to school and lost it?
What is your opinion? Write a statement that clearly states your point of view: Well bringing things that you own at home like toys and jewelry can be on a high risk to being stolen. Most students around the world bring popular and expensive toys to show off.
List some facts or statistics that support your opinion:
  1. High risk of being stolen
  2. Starting to show off
  3. Getting attention
Do you have a solution to the problem?
If teachers and others find students have things at school they have to put it in the bin
Say your opinion again and warn the audience what will happen if they don’t agree with your opinion.
Their will be high risks!
Persuasive speech plan

My topic: Accessories
My argument: Having accessories at school
Audience: Writing group / Teacher

How will you greet your audience? Hi there! My names Nyjah.
How will you introduce your topic in a catchy way? I was thinking if schools could allow kids to have accessories at school.
Write a rhetorical question to make the audience think about your topic: Would you agree? Cause I would
What is your opinion? Write a statement that clearly states your point of view: Well having accessories at school is great because it expresses what type and colour of accessories that you wear. Another thing is people can sort of tell who you are by what accessories you are wearing. For example a new kid comes to your school and knows what type of person you are by looking at your accessories or accessory. Like if you’re wearing a skull necklace it could represent that you’re into rock music and like cool things. If you’re wearing a flower or star necklace then you like things bright. But be carefull cause someone could steal your things.
List some facts or statistics that support your opinion:
  1. Accessories can show off what you like.
  2. People can be aware of what you are like by looking at your accessories
  3. Accessories can bring attention
Do you have a solution to the problem?
Schools should allow students to bring accessories on a specific day so not much accessories get stolen.
Say your opinion again and warn the audience what will happen if they don’t agree with your opinion.
L.I to write a persuasive speech.
This week for writing our group made a padlet and listed some topics and what our three speeches will be. Mr O will determine what topic we will be doing at our level. The listed topics I choose was No smoking,Bringing Accessories and bringing valuable things or things you own like toys too school. These were the topics I thought were best for me to choose so I did. We have till the end of the term to finish off our speeches before we say them.

Wednesday 6 September 2017

Kate Sheppard

L.I to make connections, identify main ideas, summarise, evaluate and synthesize.
This week for reading I made a Kate Sheppard DLO on a google draw. Kate Sheppard is one of the most famous lady's from New Zealand as she convinced men to let woman vote. Other groups also had the option to not do a DLO on Kate Sheppard. Kate Sheppard is also on the 10$ note for her generous for woman all around the world over 21.